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An Unapologetic Apologist by Kim Noble Calhoun

At heart, I am an apologist, which is simply a believer who contends for the Faith. The art of apologetics comes from the Greek word, apologia, meaning “to make an explanation for” or “to give justification for something.” A few conservative schools today still instruct students in the art of apologetics. You might imagine ancient Greek symposiums where discourse and argument took place. Even more, picture Jesus debating in the temple with the Pharisees and Sadducees about the Scripture.

Jude 3 admonishes God’s people to “earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” That EARNEST press projects a serious tone, and I consider it to be one of the most significant battles to fight daily. As this world pushes against the knowledge of Christ, weaving immorality into the educational and political systems, writing laws that encourage sinful behavior, and endorsing ungodly leadership in high places, it is imperative to “earnestly contend for the faith.”

Fighting for the cause of Christ permeates my dreams. In prayer, God often instructs me like a drill sergeant to walk upright, eat the Book, be instant in season and out of season, and speak the Truth without wavering. The image of wrestling for what is most valuable and eternally consequential walks with me throughout the day. As sin intensifies and disregard of God multiplies as it did in the days of Noah, the need to contend for the Faith simultaneously elevates.

Even more, 1 Peter 3:15 reminds us to “be ready to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason for the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.” People will ask questions as you live a life that imitates the Word. But do you really know why you believe what you believe? Why do you obey God? Why do you strive to live a life of holiness? Why is pleasing Jesus Christ the most important priority? Why were you baptized in Jesus Name? Why did you receive the Holy Ghost and how?

I feel fire exactly as did Paul remarked in 2 Timothy 1:12, “I am not ashamed; for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.” I have zero qualms or reservations that God is exactly who He said He is in His Word. He will keep me each day of my life because I have committed my life to Him. He has proven Himself to me time and time again. Sometimes I wake up in the morning and feel fire flowing in my spirit. God daily teaches me how to conform to His Word. He teaches me when to speak and be quiet. He continues to lead every single decision.

Modern vernacular and cultural ideologies often attempt to belittle the potency of the power of God. Slogans like “Jesus & coffee” or “All I need is Jesus & a therapist” suggest that God must be paired with something more because He is not good enough.

Listen, I am FULLY persuaded that Jesus Christ is everything I will ever need. I have experienced the miraculous invasion of the Holy Ghost in my life, and His Spirit will not equate to nor ever be compared with a conversation with a human therapist or a caffeinated drink. I often believe people resort to such tactics because they willfully withdraw from fully surrendering their hearts, minds, and souls to Jesus Christ, the only wise God. The noise, slogans, and methods of this world are loud. The voice of Jesus Christ must be the loudest.

Jesus Christ filled me with the Holy Ghost in June 2008, and I have yet to meet a single thing that is more meaningful to me than my relationship with Him. I am fully persuaded of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel. I will always contend for the Faith and remain an unapologetic apologist because the Word of God is enough to satisfy humanity. He is still the answer. He is the way. He is the Truth. He is the great I AM—all that you need. I am a witness.

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